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  2. Harry S. Truman Radio Interview on National Defense, December 14, 1939, from the U. S. Capitol

Harry S. Truman Radio Interview on National Defense, December 14, 1939, from the U. S. Capitol

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Recording Date(s)
December 14, 1939
Accession Number

Senator Harry S. Truman Radio Interview with Jimmy Mack on National Defense, December 14, 1939, from the U. S. Capitol. Truman had just returned on a tour of the Americas to inspect Army posts. He was asked to comment on the various aspects of the National Defense. In 2002, a 10-inch master tape was made from original 7-inch reel-to-reel tape. Also, 2 CD's were made for reference use.

HST Keywords
National Defense
National Archives Identifier (NAID)